Highly Gifted

Highly Gifted: a Curse and a Blessing (autobiography)

Highly Gifted: a Curse and a Blessing (autobiography)

Some three years ago I wrote about my journey of discovery into integrating giftedness into my life in Dutch. Opening my kimono so wide was pretty scary but worth it: I received a wealth of beautiful reactions. It helped a lot of people to identify things within themselves that were previously a mystery to them. The feeling of recognition many people mentioned was a definite indicator of how isolated a lot of gifted people still feel. The time has come to translate my giftedness autobiography into English. Being gifted is so much more than just having a good set of brains. It is a way of being that permeates your life down to the very core and thus to be taken seriously. For me it’s clear that there is still a world to be won around giftedness. Something I hope to contribute to with my work and writings…

A Gifted Hunter in a Farmer's World

A Gifted Hunter in a Farmer's World

Are you above average intelligent, inventive and do you regularly feel inhibited by the limiting influence of the existing systems in society and their representatives? Do you experience a kind of social claustrophobia that prevents you from developing your full potential? Are you easily bored, do you like to find solutions and do you like speed and progress? Are repetition and predictability not your thing? Then you might very well just be a Gifted Hunter in a Farmer's World. The good news is that you have something special to offer that is much needed right now. The bad news is that society is not necessarily ready for you yet. Still, you can as a Gifted Hunter really start to make a difference and come into your own when you understand how you’re wired and, with that in mind, start actively influencing your environment. You can read more about this in this blog that concludes with the Gifted Hunter Hypothesis.